Where Are Your Pressure Points?

Where Are Your Pressure Points?

What is the key pressure point in your organization or life?    Do you know what a pressure point is? I took a self-defense class years ago, and they taught me about pressure points. They’re areas on the body where if you apply pressure to it, it...
Are You Motivated by Fear or Failure?

Are You Motivated by Fear or Failure?

What motivates you to win: the opportunity to win or the fear of failure?   I’ve heard this question asked to sports people often, and I’ve heard varying answers. Some people want to win. They’re obsessed with winning, very competitive, and...
Open Communication Portals

Open Communication Portals

Find a portal with your teams and your kids to open lines of communication.    I do this a lot with my kids. As I’ve said, they’re all off at college and I’m an empty nester now. How do I stay in touch with them? One way I keep in...
Manage Your Calendar

Manage Your Calendar

Leaders and non-leaders alike, I see too many people who don’t do a good job organizing and managing their calendars. They say yes to everything, or there’s no plan, and their calendar is all over the place. Then guess what happens? They lose control, and everyone...
Connect With Your Team

Connect With Your Team

Leaders, stop working all the time and get with your people.   One of the common mistakes I see in leadership is leaders that are just focused on doing the work all day, every day. They’re in their office working on their laptops, and they don’t come out....
Put Yourself Out There

Put Yourself Out There

Let’s talk about putting yourself out there and the benefits of meeting new people.  This fall, all my kids will be going away to college. One of my sons will be a junior, the other will be a senior, and my daughter will be a freshman. One thing we talk...
Embrace Adversity

Embrace Adversity

“If you use adversity right, it will buy you a ticket to a place you couldn’t have gone any other way!” This is a quote I saw by Tony Bennett, the University of Virginia men’s basketball coach.    For those who remember, the...
Fall in Love With the Problem

Fall in Love With the Problem

Fall in love with problems first, then focus on solutions!    Too often, when I have a problem in life, I find myself looking for a solution as fast as possible. I’m a leader and a problem solver; it’s what I do at work and in my personal life. I’m...
Embrace the Good, Bad & In Between

Embrace the Good, Bad & In Between

Good days, bad days and in between days, you need them all to grow! Embrace them all; they’re all a part of the journey.    In my last blog, Life Is A Series of Calibrations, I talked about calibrating my golf swing, personal life and professional...
Life Is A Series of Calibrations

Life Is A Series of Calibrations

Calibrate your golf shot, business and life!    Recently, I’ve been taking some golf lessons. One reason is because I need them, and another is because my kids are older and going off to college. I have more free time without as many practices,...