We’ve touched on an array of topics this year, but we are going to spend this month reiterating a few of my favorites. These topics include leadership, culture and growth.
When you’re a part of a growing organization here are 3 tips I want you to be thinking about:
- Adapt to the speed of the game
- Have the courage to act
- Always explain the “why?”
Adapt to the Speed of the Game
You hear the importance of adapting to the speed of the game when referring to athletics – especially when players transition from high school to college. For an athlete to be successful, they need to be able to perform at a higher standard. As you’re a part of a growing organization, the momentum picks up. You need to prioritize and focus on what’s important and moves the needle – not what’s urgent. I frequently see leaders that are buried in their work and never step out to communicate to their times and focus on innovation.
Have the Courage to Act
Leaders are the offense because they seize opportunities. When you see an area of improvement, you need to act. You can’t sit around and wait for everyone else to make the decision. Leaders are the people that are supposed to make those decisions because your team is counting on you. If they bring ideas of improvement to you, they want you to communicate effectively and act.
Always Explain the “Why?”
No matter your role, I encourage you to always explain the “why” behind your decisions. Don’t blindly follow routine processes when you have a better solution. Ask yourself, “why are we doing it this way, and is it the best way to accomplish the task?” Taking the time to explain why you made certain decisions will build confidence within your team. They may not always agree with your choice, but they will understand your thought process before making it. I believe that once people know and understand, they will work toward a common goal harder and faster.
I hope these three tips help you navigate making decisions in your growing organization!