We’ll say things like “almost there,” “getting there,” or “on our way there.” What does “there” look like, and how do you know when you’ve gotten “there?”
One of my executive teammates at Service Express recently brought this perspective to me. We’ve been implementing a new process which has required some changes. He talked about how to tell when we are there. He observed that we’ll know when we get there when we no longer need to talk about it. It’s now just happening systematically.
As things start to happen, you’ll no longer ask, “Where are we going?” or “When will we get there?” It’ll happen instinctively over time. We’d put a ton of time and energy into our new process and spent a lot of time talking about it. When it started taking place, we no longer needed to talk about it as much, and that’s when we knew we were getting there.
How can you tell when you’re all the way there? You’ll be able to look back and realize you don’t talk about it at all anymore. The process will be built in and systematized, thoughts and behaviors will have changed, and it will all be a part of the business.
This has happened numerous times over the years at Service Express. As a growing organization, we’re always changing and evolving how we think and how we do things. The same is true for our personal behaviors as well, whether you’re trying to exercise more, lose weight, gain weight, eat better, etc. As you’re in the process of achieving these goals, how will you know when you’re there? It’s happening organically and systematically and you are seeing the results.
I’d like to hear from you! How do you know when you’re there?