Ever heard the phrase, “they’re just going through the motions,” said with a negative connotation? I have, and sometimes it’s true. It may feel like someone is going through the motions, isn’t engaged and isn’t giving their full commitment to what they’re doing.
There can also be a benefit to going through the motions. Sometimes you don’t feel like doing something: working, going into the office, working out, studying, etc. You may not want to do it, but you just need the discipline to do it. Sometimes it’s good to go through the motions, get started and create the momentum that leads to great outcomes.
Some of my best workouts, days at work, conversations and strategy sessions were times I didn’t initially feel like doing it. Rather than having a “let’s go” attitude, I went into those times unmotivated. Of course, I still did it because it needed to be done, and once I started, the momentum built up.
It’s not always this way, but it can be. That’s why it’s crucial to have the discipline to do it, even when you don’t want to. Get started and go through the motions if you have to, then watch the momentum carry and take over. Do this over time and see the results it has on every aspect of your life: personally, professionally and financially.