Career Conversations 

Taking the First Steps

Taking the First Steps

When taking the first steps, it is important to fail often, fail fast and fail forward. Join me and Peter Ruppert, the author of Limitless and CEO at Fusion Education Group, as we sit down and talk about taking the first steps. 

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Finding a Champion

Finding a Champion

 Sometimes, we need others to lean on to achieve our goals. This week, Peter Ruppert and I share our thoughts about the importance of finding mentors and those who will push you to achieve your goals.

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Coaching During Performance Reviews 

Recently, I’ve been talking a lot about delivering performance reviews. The reason is simple—they’re on my mind. This is the time of year when I do mine with my executive team.  One thing that stands out to me when it comes to reviews is how I set the tone at the...

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Top 3 Priorities for Leaders 

Leaders, as we move into 2025, I want you to focus on three key areas: time, talent and relationships.  Time  Where are you spending your time? Are you focusing on the highest-impact areas that bring the biggest return? Or are you spreading yourself too...

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Crafting Thoughtful Performance Reviews

Last week I shared the importance of Avoiding Recency Bias in Reviews. Staying on the subject of reviews, I want to share another tip we discussed during our training sessions at Service Express. Never submit a review after just one pass. Never rush the process just...

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Avoiding Recency Bias in Reviews

I'm going to share a couple of tips on doing annual reviews. We've done training on this at Service Express for all our leaders, and I love sitting in on those sessions. I share insights from my career, but I also learn a lot from our leaders, who are so thoughtful...

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2 Lessons for Lasting Growth

No matter where you are in life, there are two things I've always found to be true. These apply to both personal life and professional life.   First, no matter how much success you've had so far, you haven't "made it." There's a saying: "Success is not...

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Healing Scar Tissue In Your Organization

How do you break up scar tissue in your organization?    From my perspective, scar tissue in an organization can take many forms. It can be complacency. It can be entitlement. It can be the mindset of "this is how we've always done things." Personally, I can't stand...

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Escalating Is Not A Weakness

Escalation is not a weakness. I often talk about how leaders should work to figure things out and solve problems. That’s what leaders do. That’s what you’re hired to do. You can’t just dump problems on someone else’s desk. You have to figure things out. But what...

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Scrappy Builders Add Value

Last week, I talked about why you should Connect With Interesting People. This has always been a core part of who I am and what we focus on at Service Express. It’s how we learn, grow and expand our thinking. I like reaching out to interesting people who are doing...

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Connect With Interesting People

Get in front of interesting people. One of our key tenets at Service Express is to connect our team with the outside world. This means meeting people who are doing the kinds of things we aspire to do. Whether it’s exploring other companies, discovering new...

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New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to 2025!   In my last blog, Time to Reflect, we talked about using the slower period between Christmas and the new year to reflect on the past year. Look back at what worked, what you accomplished, what didn't work and...

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About Me

I am the President & CEO of Service Express, a National Best & Brightest Company to Work For. Service Express has averaged double digit growth every year since 2001.

We attribute our success to a unique corporate culture that we call The Service Express Way. I am a member of the Young President Organization and sit on the Board of the Spectrum Health Foundation.