Confrontation is Healthy

Confrontation is Healthy

Confrontation is good; it reduces stress! Wait a minute, how could confrontation reduce stress? Usually, we think of it as a cause of stress, but how often have you laid awake at night or woken up at night thinking about things that bother you? It could be something...
Wins, Priorities & Future Opportunities

Wins, Priorities & Future Opportunities

Think about your past wins, current priorities and future opportunities!    Last week I talked about celebrating the wins as we head into 2023. It’s good to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished in 2022. It’s an important step because...
Celebrate the Wins

Celebrate the Wins

Welcome to 2023!    As we hit the ground running in the new year, it’s a great time to reflect on all we accomplished in 2022. Sometimes we’re so focused on the new opportunities and moving forward that we forget to recognize all we’ve achieved and...
Recommended Reading List

Recommended Reading List

As you know, I recently spoke with some students at the University of Michigan. I shared with them my list of top ten book recommendations. I’m a big believer in reading, professional development and continually enhancing your skills. This list applies not only to the...
Measure Your Goals

Measure Your Goals

Let’s keep talking about goals; December is a good time to do that!    Reflect back on 2022 and think about what you’ve accomplished, where you’ve fallen short and why. Then think about what you want to accomplish in...